martes, febrero 21, 2006

Hola, mi nombre es Atalía y soy adicta a hacer quizzes...

Pick a band and answer only using that band's song titles:

Band: Héroes del Silencio

1. Are you male or female: Sirena varada
2. Describe yourself: Entre dos tierras
3. How do some people feel about you: Con nombre de guerra
4. How do you feel about yourself?: Días de borrasca
5. Describe your girlfriend/boyfriend/interest: Sal
6. Where would you rather be?: Mar adentro
7. Describe what you want to be: La chispa adecuada
8. Describe how you live: El camino del exceso
9. Describe how you love: Hechizo
10.Share a few words of wisdom: La apariencia no es sincera