Canon en D mayor
El viernes cuando los vi los muchachos de la peatonal estaban tocando otra de my favorites :-)
Johann Pachelbel (Germany, 1653-1706)
Johann Pachelbel was one of the great organist-composers of his day, a man who could count Bach's teacher among his pupils. His life was tinged with tragedy and hardship - his first wife died with her baby son in the plague of 1683, and he had to flee from the French invasion of Stuttgart in 1692 - but he settled in Nuremberg and his second marriage produced seven children, two of whom became musicians, one an instrument maker and one a painter. His church music is highly regarded and innovative in the way it links the pitches of the notes to meaning - steadfast faith denoted by repeated notes, for example. His lilting Canon in D is a throwaway little piece by comparison to his big sacred works, but its charming grace has made it a favourite filler of compilation CDs. The canon in D major was written in or around 1680. Pachelbel was born in Nuremberg in August 1653 and died there on March 6th, 1706.